Looking for webinar software and EasyWebinar alternatives? You’ve come to the right place. Whatever it is that lead you to this page, we’re glad you’re here! We’re StealthSeminar, and we’re the best automated webinar software on the market. Why? Let us break it down for you!
Before we begin though, we want to give a quick shout out to the folks at EasyWebinar. We saw what you said about us, and we appreciate it. We respect you too! That’s why below we’re not throwing shade, just sharing facts. Alright, here we go!
To Maximize Conversions
Built-in FB Reminders
Send custom FB reminders without any third party tools
Public Webinar
This allows you run automated, live or replay webinars without pre-registering, registering, email, name, etc. nothing whatsoever
Stealth Personalized Pics
Imagine sending emails to your registrants that are dynamically personalized with images with their names, etc
Prime Insertion Point
Drop in late attendees at highest conversion point in presentation
Just in Time Scheduling
Another StealthSeminar discovery that delivers up to 80% attendee rates.
Minutes Until Webinar
Run your webinar X minutes after landing on the page
Distraction Free Webinar URL
Webinar pages exist on distraction free site so your clients are not trying to be sold a webinar service and can instead focus on your message. We broadcast on joinnow.live There is nothing for them to sign up for or to purchase at that site. Sure it costs us sales but it maximizes yours.
Distraction Free Attendee Help
Webinar Attendees help materials exist on distraction free site so your clients are not trying to be sold a webinar service and can instead focus on your message. We broadcast on OnlineMeetingNow.com There is nothing for them to sign up for or to purchase at that site. Sure it costs us sales but it maximizes yours.
Unlimited File Sharing during Live Webinar
Interaction (real or faux) improves conversations
Unlimited Timing / Scarcity Tools
Interaction (real or faux) improves conversations
Smart Redirect
Send your webinar attendees anywhere you desire based on rules you set for attendance vs missed webinar. Only system that works for all devices
Smart Attendee Tools
Major benefits including if you are offering a webinar multiple times a day, it does not reveal that it is not a live webinar. Your attendee cannot register for the same one multiple times each day.
Polls Live
Interact live with your attendees and see the results
Polls Automated
Interact with your attendees with preconvieved outcomes and see the results
User Ban
you can ban users from live chat and eliminate trouble attendees from your live chat.
Automated Chat
You control what is said, who says it and at what time it happens in the webinar. No live chat comments are seen by anyone so there is no undermining your presentation such as "this sucks," etc.
High Converting Registration Pages
20+ Beautiful pages. Continually added fresh pages make conversions soar.
Automated Registration Page Close Down
This Optional features gives that life like appearance.
Present Webinar on Your Site URL
Use your site or our faux meeting site.
Call to Action button maker
Use our own button maker to create your beautiful calls to actions
Call to Action Below Webinar Window
Control how your event looks and where your call to action appears.
To Customize Your Events
Marketing Webhook
Easily integrate with all autoresponders, CRM, Tech tools, etc
Clean & Minimalistic Webinar Pages
Embed widgets for timer and date time
Show just the timer or date time or both together on your own site. No coding required.
Custom CSS
Worldwide Language Support
Lets you edit/update every text that attendees see
To Measure and Increase
Webinar Dollar Stats
See how many dollars you generated.
Webinar Attendee Active Response Stat™
Shows stats of ONLY who is engaged with your webinar. If on another tab or software, it shows they are not attending your webinar. You receive only accurate stats, no false data.
Automated vs Replays Stats
See detailed, separated stats for automated vs replay
Tracking Friendly URLs
Our urls are tracking friendly, we use https for all our pages, you can add your own tracking to any of the pages you want
UTM Parameter Tracking
Automatically track UTM parameters and pass them to your autoresponder