As promised, this week I’m sharing a tactic you can literally build your entire business on. I know, because I did that with an earlier business.
With this you can:
- Demonstrate your expertise
- Cement your value
- Get your prospect to DEMAND you take their business
You can use this tactic within copy or a live sales call.
It works like magic. It separates you from all others and makes your price almost irrelevant. The last thing you want to do is compete on price because there will always be people cheaper than you.
Low pricing for professional services is the tool of the duffers and the uneducated.
Last week we talked about “The Reverse Google Copywriting Method.” It was all based on curiosity.
This week we will talk about an Advanced version of that I started using before there was even a Google. I call this the “Pied Piper Tactic.” Don’t get me wrong, I’m not using this term for any of the negative connotations of the Pied Piper, but instead for the positive ones where others become inspired to follow you.
This relies on curiosity again but curiosity on steroids!
If you learn this one tactic it can completely change your business.
First I will give you an overview.
Then the how.
Then examples.
You ask question (s) via your copy or verbally creating uncertainty (or fear) in your prospects so they immediately realize they need your help.
You have to do this with grace so you find the balance between the uncertainty (or fear) you are creating with their satisfaction of finding YOU.
If you create too much uncertainly they will get overly fearful and flee. If you create too little they will not appreciate you.
This is all about making you (or your services) stand head and shoulders above all others.
The How-to:
1) Write out a list of twenty questions no other provider is going to think of or ask your potential client that leads them to reach their goals.
2) Cross out anything the prospect likely has read, heard, or thought of on their own.
3) Circle the top two most unique, powerful, compelling questions that you have a solution for.
When done right, these questions should stop the prospect in their tracks and make them rethink everything they thought they knew about making a buying decision.
The best outcome is one where the question makes the person feel like they just dodged a bullet because they found you and you saved them from making a bad decision with serious implications.
I realize that is still a little vague so let me give you a few examples.
Keep in mind, these questions, should all hit hard and be something others never consider or talk about. I don’t work in either of these fields so don’t take these examples as anything other than for educational purposes.
Example #1: Selling properties out of the country.
A) What of the three prospective ways are you planning on passing your Costa Rica property onto a loved one in the event of your death so your property is not lost to the government?
B) How are you planning on holding the property title in the British Virgin Islands so that if someone puts a lien on your property you can deal with it quickly and inexpensively instead of losing your property or being sucked dry in court?
Note: Again, I’m not in this field, I’m not certain if those are common questions or not. If they are, don’t use them. If they are uncommon and have unique considerations for your buyers, then your buyers would immediately start to think about those questions deeply. It would cause prospects to question their investment. They would immediately view you as a trusted source. They would be feeling lucky to find you and the fact you brought up these issues (and solutions).
Are you starting to see the power of the Pied Piper Tactic yet?
We want to ask a question(s) that open up a new thought or challenge someone has not considered yet (or been made aware of by your competition) that brings them uncertainty so that you can then offer a solution for so you are appreciated by your prospect. Let me give you one more example.
Example #2: Selling Membership Site Software
A) If you change your Membership Site Software in the future, how are you going to deal with transitioning all your current clients’ credit cards from that Membership Site into the new Membership Site?
If I did not know that I couldn’t move my client’s credit cards from one membership site to another, this would be a shocker. I would immediately view myself as lucky for having met this person and they would earn my business because, without their input, this would have had huge implications in my future.
Pick Up Your Flute
Implement the Pied Piper Tactic and boost your business. This will allow you to get more sales, educate more clients and build an outstanding business. Take time today to put this into play and reap the rewards.
In Your Corner,
Geoff (the flutist) Ronning