Perhaps the biggest mistake we see webinar hosts make is not remarketing to registered attendees after they have shown interest in what is being offered. But, what is remarketing and why is it such a big deal?
Remarketing, or retargeting, is the act of connecting with people who have already interacted with a website. If someone visits your website and signs up to attend a webinar that you are hosting, for example, any engagement with individuals you have previously tagged with a cookie falls into the remarketing category.
A few of the ways entrepreneurs go about remarketing are:
- Email remarketing (also called email retargeting): The whole idea of email remarketing, is attracting leads that have shown interest back onto your website. You’ve already met this customer before, you spent time and money to bring this person to your website. With email remarketing, you’re taking the information you have gathered about this possible customer and using it to send a relevant email.
- Dynamic remarketing: This is where you purchase dynamic remarketing ads via Google to “show previous visitors ads that contain products and services they viewed on your site.”
- Retargeting ad on Facebook: Similar to Google’s remarketing ads, retargeting ads allow you to reach out to audiences that have already engaged with you by displaying ads directly in their Facebook feed.
- Web Retargeting: This powerful strategy lets you retarget lost customers across all major display exchanges with ease. Businesses like Perfect Audience use cookies to follow visitors that showed interest across the web and place display ads in front of them. For example, they can find your visitors when they are reading their favorite blog and display a banner ad with your offer which makes them come back and convert, resulting in more sales for your business.
Why Retargeting and Remarketing Efforts Are So Powerful
Even though someone signs up to attend your webinar, it doesn’t mean they will watch the entire thing. In fact, they might not show up at all!
The truth is well-meaning registrants may have every intention of watching your presentation only to have something come up. Parents can get interrupted by children. Last-minute invitations to do something else may occur. Your registrant could leave early if they get distracted or tired. There are any number of reasons that someone who signs up might not show up and/or stay until the end.
By reaching out after the event with a replay link or new sign-up link, you give them another chance to watch your presentation.
Your registrants might need a little more convincing to buy.
According to B2BMarketing, “The rule of seven quite simply states that it takes an average of seven interactions with your brand before a purchase will take place.” This means you may need to engage with a webinar registrant as many as seven times prior to making a sale!
Even if you have warmed up your audience, and impressed them throughout your presentation, they still might not buy your offering during your webinar. Sometimes they need a reminder to purchase, additional incentives, or just more information about why your offering is worth it.
Remarketing and retargeting efforts give you the opportunity to drive home your sales points. And, they give you the chance to ask attendees why they didn’t make a purchase so you can either answer any questions that they have or deliver counterpoints to their objections that could convince them to buy.
Your visitors feel you are omnipresent.
Since you are able to follow your interested visitors across the web, they begin to see you everywhere. You become omnipresent to them. This grows your relationship with them, keeps you on the front of their mind, and establishes you as the go-to expert.
How to Retarget and Remarket Your Audience With Ads
When using retargeting ads via Facebook, you can find out how far your attendees got in your webinar funnel by using the Facebook Pixel.
As Facebook explains, “The Facebook pixel is a small snippet of code that you, your website engineer or a Facebook Marketing Partner can paste in your code. It tracks the people and the types of actions they take when they engage with your brand, including any of your Facebook ads they saw before going to your website, the pages of your site they visit and the items they add to their carts.”
Click here to learn more about the retargeting ad on Facebook.
Similar to the Facebook Pixel, Google uses a dynamic remarketing tag to reach the exact audience you are seeking depending on where they are in your webinar funnel. As Google explains, “The tag adds your website visitors to remarketing lists and associates them with the unique IDs of the feed items they viewed. You’ll find your tag in the Audiences section of your Shared library.”
There may be a bit more coding necessary than there is with the Facebook Pixel, and you’ll also need to set up your Google Analytics account to get the best results, but Google dynamic retargeting ads gives you more access to your audience because you aren’t restricted to reaching them within the Facebook feed. Retargeted Google ads can show up on virtually any website that uses Google Adsense, for example. Learn more about remarketing ads with Google here.
To Retarget and Remarket, You Need an Audience
Want to learn how to drive more traffic and sign-ups to your webinars? We recommend our Automated Webinar School. After all, you can’t retarget or remarket webinar attendees if you don’t have a pool of people signing up in the first place. In our free course, we’ll teach you everything we know about creating webinars quickly, getting more attendees, increasing sales conversions, and more.
It doesn’t stop there, however. Not only will we give you all the tools to develop webinars that convert quickly and easily, we’ll give you a free 30-day trial of our automated webinar software to boot! Sign up for your free trial today!