Last weeks StealthSeminar Version 3 Sneak Peek was met with HUGE accolades. Thanks much for everyone that responded.
Most of you know, I have personally been using the StealthSeminar system since 2008, we opened our doors to the public in March, 2010. At that time, this “automated webinar” industry did not even exist. Since then lot’s of imitations have gotten into the field. That is to be expected. And as we innovate, we will let them continue to try to imitate.
So anyhow, that brings up…. last weeks sneak peek live webinar.
You guys and gals loved it – as we expected you would.
In fact, we flat out blew many-a-minds.
However we are getting lots of emails asking us if we can replay it. If it is possible for those that were not on the LIVE event, to see it run, in automated replay mode…
YEP, it was a live event. SERIOUSLY.
YEP, that means if you are currently using GoToWebinar, we have functionality coming in V3 to run live events.
Plus we have tons more innovation heading your way. Anyhow, I was talking to Greg (Co-Founder and Technical Genius) today, mentioned the requests for the automated replay and so we decided to make it happen.
I will set it to an automated webinar inside the Control Panel.
Then you will be watching the webinar in “StealthSeminar Live.”
Keep these things in mind:
1) The webinar was actually done last week
2) You will be seeing some V3 functionality
3) It was delivered LIVE via StealthSeminar
4) I recorded at that time
5) It was set to replay as an automated live StealthSeminar
Sound good?
I’m off to the library. When I return, I will set it up.
Co-Founder and Wendy’s lucky husband